
Archive for Mary Graft

What Nurses Need to Know about Caring for the LGBTQ+ Community

What Nurses Need to Know about Caring for the LGBTQ+ Community Nurses must always be prepared to care for patients from all backgrounds, including the LGBTQ+ community. Caring for the LGBTQ+ community requires an educated, compassionate, and inclusive approach. As Nurses, we ensure every patient receives the most personalized and competent care possible. Here are […]

Female Sexual Dysfunction: Could You Be Suffering From HSDD?

Female Sexual Dysfunction: Could You Be Suffering From HSDD? Are you distressed and/or unhappy because you have been experiencing a lack of sexual desire? Do you remember a time when you would daydream about an intimate encounter with your mate? Have you noticed that your body let you down during your sexual encounters? You could […]

What Older Men Need To Know About Erectile Dysfunction

What Older Men Need To Know About Erectile Dysfunction Contrary to popular belief, quick-fix pills are only temporary solutions to the problem and do not address the root cause of erectile dysfunction. Additionally, when you become dependent on these chemical supplements, your body can eventually become immune to their effects. Approximately 20% of men will […]


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